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Monday, October 04, 2004
Well, The Donneberg's are back in town now and Jake survived the time with me. I'm back in my dorm tonight. This morning I woke up around 7:15 to get ready for church. And then I kind of cleaned up around thier house a bit and took Jake out for a walk. By that time it was time to head to church for worship team practice. I had completely forgotten about setting up the powerpoint for songs during the week so when I got there I had to quickly make all the slides. We sang a bunch of new songs today (at least new for our church). I though it all was really good today. Then Dennis Hartman spoke today. Pastor John was still there and everything, he just wanted to open the pulpit up today for Dennis to speak. He spoke on how everybody has thier own perspective on things and how we need to adapt and learn from those perspectives.
He also told the story of the man who was told by God to push on the rock.. This man did so every day but time went on and he was never able to move the rock. Soon he asked God why he could not move this Rock God told him to push on. He felt like he was a failure. Then God reminded him, he never told him to move the rock. Just to push on it. Because of his hard work he was now stronger and the goal was to improve himself, Not to move the rock. God then said because he was faithful in pushing on the rock day after day, God would move the rock for him. It is just a very practical parable for our lives. Sometimes we just need to do what God tells us to do even if it doesn't seem practical or if we never appear to be making progress. From our Perspective it may look like we are failing. But if we obey, from God's perspective we have accomplished much.
He also then talked about a little girl who worked really hard to get some nice (but fake) pealrs from the store. Finally one day she was able to get them and she loved her new pearls. But then her daddy every night asked if she would give him her pearls. She just could not give them up she loved them so much. But her daddy was persistent and still every night asked her for her pearls. She would tell him no daddy please don't take them. You can have my favorite stuffed animal though, just don't take my pearls. After this went on for awhile her daddy didn't ask for a few nights. And one of those nights this girl came up to her daddy and gave him a hug and said.. Daddy! you can have my pearls. As her daddy took her pearls from her he then pulled out a real authentic pearl necklace and gave it to her. He wanted her to willingly give him what she though was best so he could in turn give her something better. It shows that Only when we are willing to give up what we think is the best from our perspective, God will then pour out his better blessings for us. We only need to trust him and let him have our best.
His message was really good today, Both of those stories I had heard before but they still didn't lack making an impact in my mind today. Its just something about my "perspective" I guess. So anway, I really enjoyed the service this morning. After church was over I hung out for awhile and then ended up going over to the Crooks house for lunch with Steve. We had Chicken Gumbo. I think that was the first time I had ever had it. I can't say its a favorite or anything, but it wasn't too bad. It sure was better then anything you could find at the "Rot" here at school. Steve and I were there until around 4:00ish just visiting and stuff. We both had some homework we needed to do this afternoon though so thats why we left around 4. I ended up going back the Donneberg's to just hang out there the rest of the evening until they got back. It turns out that BJ was back in town now though so I spent the afternoon with her. We sat and watched "Chasing Liberty" and then I decided I needed to go and do my homework. I ended up getting a little bit of it done, but eventually I kept falling asleep. I just couldn't do it anymore so I went and laid on the couch and, Before I knew it I was totally asleep. I ended up waking up to Jo and Allie standing over me. From what BJ tells me I was asleep for about 45 minutes or so. But I was like really groggy for some reason. I didn't think I was that tired. I mean I had a day to sleep in for like the first time in a year yesterday. I don't know.. but once I came about to at least knowing what was going on I caught them up on how things went with me and Jake at the house (including his great escape). Then I talked to them a little about thier trip. But now that they were back I needed to get back to campus and let them have thier house back. So once I returned I stopped at Latenight for a quick bite to eat and got to my room to check out a few e-mails and do some reading. But yeah, thats how my day went about today. I think I finally got my weekend for once and I'm ready to lay the smack down on monday... so bring it on monday! Night =o)
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:43 AM 

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