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Thursday, October 07, 2004
Well, even though I stayed up pretty late last night I actually wasn't too tired today. Maybe God decided to give me a little bit more sound sleep since I stayed up late working for Him. But anyway, that was good. I managed to stay more awake today in all my classes, I did doze a little, but not anywhere close to how bad it usually is. Anyway, I learned another cool fact in Biology today. I found out that the fluid that lubricates the joints in our bodies is the absolute best lubricant in the world. However nobody has ever been able to synthesize it, the only place it can ever be found is inside our body. What no human mind can make, our human body can produce without a problem. Thats just one more thing that shows how we were beautifully and wonderfully made. If we as humans can't even synthesize the stuff, I don't think any random explosion could make it either. But anyway just thought that was cool. Then today in Convocation we had a dedication service for the new school of government here at liberty. It seemed like it lasted a really long time, but it actually got out on time. So yeah... Once classes were over I had some lunch then headed to work. I was only there for two hours at first though because I needed to come back to campus at 3:00 for a missions trip meeting. It was mostly just informational and stuff like that. But that lasted for about an hour and then I returned to work. Work was fairly routine today and I don't really have anything new to say about that. After work was out I headed over to church. I had gotten there a little early so I was able to talk to the Pastor a little about the website. He seemed to like it a lot. Wasn't perfect and I'll have a few more adjustments, but with things like that you never get it right the first time so thats ok. Eventually people started to mosie on in and we started the service. I had invited Jonathan and he was going to come but after about 30minutes into the service I figured he wasn't going to make it. But it turns out that the car he was coming in had some transmission problems and it broke down on him on the side of the road. That wasn't cool at all. So if you want to pray for his vehicle trouble that would be cool. So anyway our service tonight was pretty different then normal. But over all it was still pretty good. We had a great time of prayer. After church I ended up taking Britt and Allie home but on the way we stopped at Hardee's to get some icecream. We were thinking about calling up a few other friends and just hanging out for a bit tonight, but I had a prayerleader meeting I needed to be at tonight. It was kind of bad though because nobody told me anything about having one tonight like they normally should. But I knew that we usually have them most wednesdays so I tried calling and calling and calling but nobody would ever answer. But I still ended up just dropping off Allie and Britt at thier house after getting icecream and head back on the road. I tried calling one more time to find out what I was supposed to do tonight and I finally got ahold of someone and they said I did have one tonight. So I guess its a good thing we all didn't hang out after church. So I just went back to campus and attended my meeting. Once it was over I made a quick pit stop at the Marriot to eat something and then return to my dorm for the rest of the night. I did have some homework I would have liked to get done tonight but my first priority was to get my Missions Trip Support Letter typed up and e-mailed to the leader for printer. That ended up taking me quite awhile to get all figured out. I also had two girls come to my window tonight and I talked to them for a bit so I had to kind of work off and on some because of that. But I finally managed to get my letter done. Once I get it mailed out to people, I'll probalby post it on here too for all of you guys that I know want to read it and support my Brazil trip. Ok so anyway, I think that covers just about everything. I'm going to head to bed now.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:05 AM 

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