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Friday, November 12, 2004
I think I'm almost as tired now as I was last night. I was very sleepy all day. I had to wake up early this morning so I could enroll in all my classes before they all filled up. I ended up getting pretty much what I wanted. I also now am offically signed up for a flying class next semester, I'm excited about that. Anyway after getting classes settled I then got ready for class. I ended up staying awake in all of my classes today though despite how tired I was. We played a game in my Economics class so that kept me participating. Then we did flight plans in my Aviation class so I had to use a map and navigate on that. Then in my Computer class I had a full Lab project to work on. So I had to activly participate in all of them which is good. After class though I had to meet up with a professor and return a computer to him that I was working on. Then after that I needed to stop by the church and talk about some stuff with the Pastor. I kind of ran out of time though and didn't quite get to finish, but I had to go to work. I ended up making in there like a minute before I had to be though so I was glad I wasn't late. While I was at work today though I almost passed out like 2 times because I was so tired. I was seeing double vision for part of the day and even had a hard time lifting computers and stuff. It got really bad. I also had a bruise on the bottom of my foot I think from running last night and that kept getting irritated from standing most of the day. Once work was over I was sooo glad I could leave. I really needed to sit down and chill for a bit. I was thinking about going over to the Donneberg's tonight, and Britt, Allie, and I could run some lines for our skit we are doing next month. But I just didn't have the energy for it let alone the time. I really had to get a lesson put together for my prayer groups tonight. I also had quite a bit of studying/projects/work/reading to do tonight. After getting my lesson done and doing a little reading and journaling, I decided I needed to go and talk to Steve some tonight. So I dropped everything and headed over to his dorm. On the walk over there I ended up calling my mom and talking to her for about 15 minutes or so. It was nice to talk to her for the short time I did. After getting to Steve's dorm I went up and tried to find his room (I hadn't been to his room before). I did manage to find it though and we ended up talking about some stuff. Eventually we decided to just take a quick trip and go to Sheetz for a slurpee. It was better that way though anyway because there were a bunch of College for a Weekenders all over the place. We had a good time talking and just spending time with each other. I ended up being there until just before 10:00 because I needed to get back for hallmeeting. So I wasn't really able to get done everythign I needed to tonight again but I think it was worth the sacrafice. After returning to my room I had to get everything ready for Prayer groups and then head to my pre-hallmeeting meeting. It turns out they wanted me to do a skit tonight during the meeting. It was fairly quick and simple but it was just kind of last minute. The meeting did go well however and our skit turned out alright. After that I went and rounded up the guys for prayergroups. It turns out that I did have 3 out of 4 of my guys come tonight.. but I also had 5 College for a weekenders sit in on my group. I was glad I had put together a lesson tonight. I did have to print out some extra note sheets for it though. I think it all went really well considering the amount of people I had crammed in my room. The meeting did go a little long though because of that. I wasn't able to finish until around 11:14ish because we had a time of sharing and prayer requests... that tends to take longer the more people you have. Plus my lesson was a little longer then normal as it was. But anyway, by the time everybody left my energy levels are probably somewhere in the negatives. I am going to head to bed rather early tonight. I need to finish out this week strong. This weekend is still going to be hard though. I am going to have to study pretty extensivly for next week. I have two tests on Tuesday.. and then Three on Wednesday. All I have to say is Thanksgiving break couldn't have come at a better time. Not sure how much of a break it will turn out being though because of what happend with Derek at work and I will end up needing to run the shop at work on my own most of the week. So anyway.. I'm going to take all this one step at a time.. I trust God will empower me those time when I need it. But for now.. the step for me is to go to sleep. Even with all the stuff I have to do, I just have to put it off till tomorrow. Have a wonderful night everyone!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:11 AM 

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