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Sunday, November 28, 2004
I'm pretty tired right now... I guess it was just a fairly long day. Tomorrow will be my last day before classes start back up again in a way I'm looking forward to just getting this semester over with.. but I also wish I could have a few more days. Anyway today I had to run the store by myself again at work. It was busier then yesterday, but it could have been worse. I still had time to eat lunch. I didn't really get to sit down and relax to eat it.. but I at least had a chance to eat. I managed to get a lot of work done too amongst the customer flow and the phone calls. After work I went by the church and talked with Pastor for about an hour or so.. then I also had to make the Powerpoint slides for sunday. I think I ended up being there just under two hours. Once I left the church I went back by Scott's house and let the dog out again for the last time before Scott returned. I just hung out there for awhile and played with the dog some. After awhile Steve and I decided to go have dinner over at Vinny's tonight (Thats where Brittany works). So we met up there a little after 6:00 and chowed down. We ordered a pretty good sized appetizer and then we each ordered a Calzone. Steve couldn't quite finish his tonight.. But I decided to beat him, so I managed to eat all of mine. I was right on the virge of stuffed when I finished though...Anyway that was fun to just hang out there for awhile. We also had a full container of Garlic when we started... but by the time we finished about 1/4 of it was gone... (We were trying to finish all of it.. but we didn't make it) Once we left the restarant I decided to head back to my dorm.. but on the way there I made a quick stop in at Toys R Us to get something really cool. I found it! I had quite a few things I needed to work on back in my room though so I headed there afterwards and worked on stuff for a few hours. Eventually Britt and Steve and I decided to go see a movie tonight.. so I also called up Tori and invited her to come along. Allie was invited too but she wasn't feeling very well at all tonight.. She needed to stay home and get some sleep. We ended up going to see a movie called "Sky Captain" It was another one of those strange but entertaining movies. But it was alright for a dollar theater movie. The rest of the gang thought it was pretty good too. I kind of hurried back to my room after it was over though.. I still had to get some stuff done before bed tonight. I think I'm good and ready to go to sleep now though.. So with that I'm outie!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:41 AM 

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