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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Well, School begins once more. I'm kind of anxious to just get it over with though. We only have like 8 more days left or something like that. Things went very well today over all. I kind of got back into the groove again without a problem. Work was good and we also had our new employee start today. His name is Jason and so far he looks like a good guy. His technical knowledge is not as good people we've had in the past but he seems to be pretty teachable. I think once we train him he will work out quite well. We were able to get a lot of stuff done today also so that was nice. Anyway after work I headed back to my room to work on a computer and also do a little bit of reading.. (its the first day back and I already had some reading homework). I managed to get everything done tonight I wanted to so I'm going to just head to bed now. Bye for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:04 AM 

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