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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
You know whats really annoying.. Dial up is Annoying! I just wrote and entire post talking about part of yesterday (which I didn't get a chance to post on last night) and all of today.. but dial up kicked me off in mid publish and the entire thing went off into oblivion. So much for me doing that again tonight. Jonathan is here with me right now and I don't want to spend all my time at the computer. I'm just going to have to make it quick... Today was pretty productive at work.. we cleaned out a bunch of stuff that needed to be done. Its good we got it done today because I will be running the shop by myself for the rest of the week and now I won't have to concentrate on all that.. I will be able to concentrate on all my other duties instead. But anyway.. after work I went over to Dane Emeric's house for dinner (One of the campus pastor's at Liberty). It was a great time of just talking and getting to know him and his family better. I fixed his computer while I was there as well. It was great. I was only able to stay till around 9:00 though. Jonathan and I had plans for tonight. So I after I left thier house a little after 9:00 I met up with Jonathan at my dorm back at liberty. We ended up decorating my room with Christmas lights while we were there and then just talking a bit with one of the other guys that were on the hall. After we left campus we headed over to Scott's house and hung out for the rest of the night. We did some cooking and planning some stuff. But we also just has some good guy talk stuff. But ok.. that all I can say for now.. I really shoudl get going.. We need to get to bed. (Kind of early for me but Jonathan needs to wake up early) So anyway I will say good night for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:17 AM 

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