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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Today I actually felt rested and NOT tired for once. I didn't have any exams today so I was able to sleep in. It was so great. I think I got right around 10-11 hours of sleep last night. I ended up finally crawling out of bed around 10:20 this morning. I was able to take some extra time in devotions this morning and then still have some time to get some studying done. Tomorrow I have two exams. (Theology and Computer) I also had to work on something for Oakridge Camp. (Thats where I went this summer for a mission trip in Oklahoma) I still have to figure out how to mail it down there. I might go figure that out tomorrow. Anyway after getting all that done It was time for me to head on over to work. Things at work were pretty normal today.. nothing much worth report on there. We were going to end up staying after tonight again, but Andy had something come up so we didn't do that afterall. I was glad though because then I was able to just go over to Jonathan's house right after work and hang out with him for the evening. I had dinner at his house and then we went and hung out at the Drowsy Poet for a little over an hour. While we were there Allie and Jo stopped in to say hi. Turns out they were shopping at a store nearby and they saw my van. So they figured I was at the coffee shop and came in to find us. They had some things to do though so they didn't end up staying. But Jonathan and I had a good time just hanging out and talking tonight. After leaving there I went back to his house and stayed there for another hour or so. We ended up having to move a Fridge from his basement to outside along the road for trash pickup tomorrow. So I guess its good I was there to help. Its hard to move those by yourself. =o) Anyway I ended up heading back to campus around 9:30. I still had a lot more studying to do. I've pretty much covered all the subjects I need to except for Philosophy. Thats the only one I have left to read through. That is my last exam though so I still have a little time left. I got part of it done tonight but even though I've slept like 10 hours last night.. I started to doze off while reading it. I think I'm just going to turn in for the night and finish it up tomorrow I hope. Ok so I'm off to bed. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:43 AM 

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