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Monday, January 03, 2005
Today was my day back at church. It was actually a very nice service today. I was able to see everybody again and also had some fun with the kids. The attendance was pretty good today too. That always seems to make the service better, just having more faces around. After church today I ended up going over to the Hartman's house for lunch. I had a good time with the kids there.. then I also had to do a little bit of fix it repair work to thier computer setup at the house. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I went.. but I didn't end up getting a nap like I was hoping for today. I ended up coming back home around 6:00. After I returned home I decided I better do a few chores around this place. Tomorrow morning is trash day so I went to every room and emptied those and got the garbage ready for the truck pickup. I realized it was a good thing too because the garbage bin was so full I couldn't even close the lid. After I took care of that and cleaned up a little I then decided to see if Jonathan wanted to come over and watch a movie. He thought that was a good plan so we just went and rented a movie and made some popcorn and relaxed downstairs with BJ while we watched this movie. I really don't even remember what this movie was called. But whatever it was, I thought it was a little boring. It was highly confusing too. Then to top all that off, I thought the ending was terrible. It was just nice to sit and spend some time with Jonathan though.. so it wasn't like a waste of time or anything. I still had fun doing that. I did kind of doze for a few minutes here and there though. Anyway... once the movie was over Jonathan had to head out pretty much right after it. I had a little bit of time to talk with him before he had to leave.. but we'll still have to talk some more either tomorrow or Tuesday. Anyway.. thats all that transpired today. Its now time for me to head to bed. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:11 AM 

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