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Monday, February 07, 2005
Hey sorry I wasn't able to blog very much last night.. I"m sure your all wondering how my flight went yesterday though. Well unfortunatly, I didn't actually get to go up yesterday. I was very disappointed. When I got there I had lots of paperwork and preliminary work/questionaires to fill out. I also had to wait for my instructor to finish up with his other student that was running late before I even got my paper work. So It all ended up taking just a little too long and by the time we were ready it was getting close to sunset. I couldn't learn in the dark, so we just had to move it to a different day. So now I'm excited/nervous all over again because I'm going to go fly tomorrow (Monday) at 10:00am during Convocation. So keep me in your prayers for that. Alright.. well today things were pretty good. We had an amazing service today. I'm sure it had a great impact on everybody that was there. He spoke on Hope and Healing. Right after church I ended up going over to the D-bergs for some lunch then Britt and I got in the car and started to head down to North Carolina today. Allie's Dad had invited us down to his house for the afternoon for a superbowl party and then we were going to bring Allie back. It was pretty fun to finally get to go down and hang out with her family down there for awhile. I had a lot of fun playing with her little brothers. I didn't get to talk to her dad and step mom as much as I would have liked though. But I was really glad we ended up going. We weren't able to actually watch the entire superbowl though because we had to leave the house at 9:00 to make it back to campus by curfew tonight. From what I did see they had some pretty good comercials this year. As far as the game... who was playing again? I think it was like the birds and then I keep thinking Mel Gibson.. but he's not a pro foosball player is he? OH well, whatever doesn't matter. So anyway, Britt ended up driving back tonight. I was kind of tired and it might have been dangerous if I tried to drive... I didn't fall asleep driving there this afternoon though so that was good. =o). I did managed to get a little bit of sleep on the ride back tonight. That was good too because I want to be awake and alert tomorrow for my flight. So, I'm going to go off and catch as many Z's I can tonight.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:54 AM 

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