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Monday, February 28, 2005
This morning I ended up getting to chuch early for worship team practice. Upon arrival I found out that the Pastor has changed the entired message and I needed to re-make the entire powerpoint set and setup a movie. I am glad we have a pastor that follows the spirits leading, I kind of just wish i would have known about it before I stayed up an extra hour last night getting the powerpoint ready with the old schedule. Anyway, despite the little bit of extra work it was all worth it and the service turned out to be very good! I had a few technical difficulties with the video clip but it was remedied and the show went on. After church I went over to the Donnebergs for a little while and had some lunch, then after that Britt, Allie and I headed out to run a few errands. Once we finished up with that the three of us headed over to the Carson's house and Dorothy was going to do all of our hair. She did an amazing job on our cuts/styles. Britt and Allie look so Georgious, and I am pretty fond of what she did with mine as well. Dorothy gave me blonde highlights and then she cut it to have a nice look to it. I'll see about getting a picture online sometime soon of it. After we got done with that at her house I decided I wanted to take the girls out for dinner. (I just wanted to be seen in public with two beautiful girls). We ended up going to Applebees and it turns out Allie's roomate worked there and she was able to serve us tonight. It was really cool. Then after dinner we just headed back home and we watched a few episodes of American Idol on my laptop. Over all it was a great day and I enjoyed myself. However it kind of wore me out too and I need to get to sleep. So I better get to that. As long as we don't have closed school tomorrow (It is snowing outside right now) I will need to wake up early. Ok good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:37 AM 

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