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Friday, February 18, 2005
Today I had to do a speech in my buisness class. Apparently it was good from what other people tell me. The rest of the day was pretty normal. I got out of my last class pretty early though so I basicly had an hour lunch today (probalby longer) that was kind of nice. Anyway after school and work I ended up just coming back to campus and worked on stuff in my dorm until hall meeting. Tonights hall meeting wasn't really a normal one. They had us do a bunch of different kind of games and stuff so it would be somewhat entertating for the College for a weekenders tonight. My prayer groups tonight was actually pretty goood. We all just opened up to each other and shared things on our minds and worked through them together. It was a good time. Anyway. I think I'm going to quit on my homework now and go to sleep. So good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:57 AM 

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