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Thursday, March 10, 2005
Today was kind of an interesting day for me. I ended up sleeping in until 10:15 completely by accident. I should have woke up by 7:00. So I ended up missing my first class and I would have been late for convo. So basicly what I did was then call the doctors office about getting my Yellow Fever shot today. They were able to squeeze me in and so I made an appointment for 10:50. Once I got there I had to wait for a little while still for them to take me in. Once I was called, it still took awhile for them to prepare the vaccine. I ended up being there until right around 12:10. The nurse ended up writing me a doctors note so I could be excused from my class since it had taken so long. I ended up being able to use the same note for my excuse out of convo so that was cool. Then once I returned to campus I talked to my proffessor from my first class and he let me take the exam I missed in the testing center. So I called Andy to see if he would let me come in later so I would have time to take the test. But I also had a missions trip meeting at 3:30 today so I wouldn't have been able to go until after that (cause the test took me until a little after 2:00 to complete). Andy ended up just letting me take the whole day off since I would really only be there for two hours today because of all of this. That ended up being a very good thing though because I had sooo much other stuff I needed to do today. I had to make sure I got to a prayer leader meeting, then I also had to take care of something in the Students accounts office today. Then I also had a major group project I needed to try and get done. With that little bit of extra time I had, I still didn't get it all done. I had to come back after church and finish the rest. But anyway, I did take a break and met up with Allie and Britt at the Mall so britt could get some shoes real quick, then we all went to church together. Church was pretty good tonight and it was nice to see everyone again before I left on my trip, but unfortunatly my load of homework wasn't getting done at all during the time there. So Allie and I ended up hurring back to campus after church to dive in to the rest of our homework. I've been working on it all night and I finally got it all finished. I only had to stay up till 3:00 to get it done.. I also needed to work on my prayer group lesson for tomorrow and get a few things started packing tonight for my trip. I wish all my classes didn't have everything going on at once during this time. I really needed some time to think and prepare for my trip. Life just hasn't let it happen yet though. I guess I'll have time on our 12 hour plane ride. Ok well anyway, I really have to get to sleep. I have my group presentation due tomorrow morning. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 3:11 AM 

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