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Friday, April 08, 2005
Ok these last few days have been so exciting, lack of sleep hasn't bothered me. I've only slept 4 hours in the last two days however. Even though I am still excited and over come with joy... lack of sleep has caught up to me. I could barely comprehend things people were trying to say to me all day. I even had two tests today so I hope those went ok. (Fortunatly they were mulitiple choice). Anyway after classes and work I came directly back to my room... skipping dinner and went straight to sleep. I had to get a good nap in before I started to do something stupid. I was able to sleep for a little while but realized my last chance to say goodbye to Steve before he left to Boot camp was tonight. SO I ended up going out for an hour or so to spend some time with him. Britt, Robert, and Allie had come along too. I was pretty tired though so I hope I was still good company... I was planning on sleeping until Hall meeting though if it wasn't for that. I still had a great time and I think it was worth it.. as long as I sleep enough tonight to make up for it. I was a little worried about my prayer groups going well tonight though, because all day today my mind seemed to be broken. People would ask me something and I would hear something completely different and answer all weird. (Work was interesting today because of that). But when time came for prayer groups God opened my mind and I was able to concentrait clearly. Groups ended up being very good and I had the opportunity to share with my guys the joys I have had this week as well as share some wisdom about Gods will and how to follow it. I thought it went really well. God is just so amazing and I'm glad he is the one in control. Anyway... again I had to cut this post short and leave out a lot of stuff... maybe I'll be able to do more this weekend finally. But anyway I have to sleep before something in my body explodes.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:05 AM 

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