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Friday, May 13, 2005
Hey everybody. I'm almost completely moved out of my dorm now. I think I have one more trip to make tomorrow morning and I'll be all set. Today was a pretty hectic day over all though. I had to get the majority of the stuff out of my room today and then get it all back to my other place and try to organize it somewhat. I then had to meet up with Jonathan and Robert by 11:00, then still find time for lunch (last meal at the marriot) and get to work by one. In the end it all worked out but I still kind of pushed it a little. My apartment is pretty cool though. It has a good veiw and I'm right next to a horse ranch so I can go pet the horses anytime I want. Plus it is really cheap so that helps things a lot. I will need it in order to pursue flying some more this summer since that is so expensive. This evening I made another few trips to my apartment to drop some stuff off and then I had a little bit of free time for once. I was able to start the process of getting my brazil trip pictures up online. I might be able to finish that up by next week. I know thats taken forever for me to have time. Anyway, I'm going to turn in a little early tonight since I can!! =) yay! Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:11 AM 

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