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Saturday, May 21, 2005
hey guys.. I'm sitting out side in my car somewhere leeching off of someone's wireless internet. the internet connection at my house has been funky and not working since the thunderstorm we had last night. I hope I can get it fixed soon because its pretty annoying not having it. Nothing too much exciting happend worth saying yesterday though... today I went out to dinner with Allie Pete and Julie at Vinnys for Britt's last day working there before she leaves to Oklahoma on sunday for the summer. It was pretty fun. It was like my first real meal it seems since I moved off campus. I've been living of Ramen and Cereal pretty much. Anyway.. I'm gonna head back to my apartment with a useless phone line at the moment. Hopefully I can get it working. So good night people!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:52 AM 

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