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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Lately my blogs have been kind of hit and miss and I keep missing days here and there. Not like you're missing all that much though. Yesterday night, however, was pretty fun. I ended up going out for coffee and a movie with Allie and we both had a good time. We did that after church. Also for the next week I am going to be staying at Andy's house "cat sitting" while he is on vacation in Oregon. One thing nice about that is that I will get to have high speed internet while I'm over there. The internet at my house has become increasingly annoying. SO anyway that means I won't be avaialbe on my webcams for awhile. All you'll be seeing there is empty rooms. Anyway I decided to blog a little early today so I could make sure and get it done before I forgot. I think I am going to just read now until I fall asleep. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:28 PM 

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