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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Today was a pretty cool day. I ended up going flying again after work today and I did some more solo work again. The instructor was only in the plane with me for the first 10 minutes. After that he got out and let me practice the rest of the lesson by myself. I think I did pretty good too. The wind was pretty calm so I didn't have to practice cross wind stuff (Which I had trouble with Saturday). It was basicly just smooth flight the whole time. I still had a good time and learned a lot flying by myself. It was pretty cool. Other then that I ended up just going back home after that and hanging out at my house for the rest of the night. I cooked myself some dinner then worked on the computer a little bit. Its time for me to go to bed though I'm tired once again. Good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:22 AM 

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