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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Today church went pretty good. It was great to be back at my own church this sunday. A lot of people had missed me. The message was great today as well so that was cool. Later in the afternoon I went up with the youth group to a lake in North Carolina to swim and do intertubing behind a boat and stuff. I was hopeing to do Jetski/waverunning stuff too but the sea-doo wasn't quite ready to go out today. So that was pretty sad. It was a pretty long drive too and since that wasn't ready it sorta made the drive not worth it. I ended up going in a different car with Allie because we were going to leave later that evening. While the rest of the youth were planning on staying until tuesday. It would have been worth the trip to stay a couple days.. but since we were only there for about 4 hours or so, it just felt bad going all that way and not being able to stay.. or ride the wave runner. If I had realized how long of a trip it really was.. I probalby would have just not gone. Oh well.. at least I was with Allie. That made it alright with me. =) (Thanks for sticking with me on that Allie). Anyway we didn't get back to the L-berg tongiht until around 10:00. By now I'm getting pretty tired though, I think I'm going to head to bed. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 11:24 PM 

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