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Monday, August 08, 2005
We had that big lightning storm over the weekend. Boy did we feel the effects of that one today at work. It was only a half hour after we opened and we already had 6 people call for lightnight damages. I would say on average through the day it was about 10 per hour. It was pretty crazy. This storm was pretty damaging. And oh yeah.. a big lightning strike hit really close to the church and scared Allie and Jo who were there when it happend. Anyway.. since today was so crazy at work I was ready to leave when it was over. I went to the church to deal with some of the lightning damage there after work then headed to get a hair cut at the mall. I then headed home for the evening to get some aviaition stuff worked on. I also got home and took my shoes off and discovered that there was a little piece of glass stuck in my sock all day. I knew something was hurting down there today and I could never figure out what it was or couldn't find it. I ended up just giving up on it and dealing with it. Well after taking my shoes off there was a little blood stain on it.. my foot had been gouged by it pretty good and seeped blood. It didn't hurt too bad though.. it just felt like a nusanse all day. Anyway.. I probably should be getting to bed pretty soon. I have to wake up super early tomorrow to meet Allie before work. We are going to check out our books at the bookstore over at libert. We'll see how much I have to spend this semester... Ok good night.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 11:57 PM
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