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Friday, September 23, 2005
Today was kind of nice day. I had my first class as usual, but then my second class was canceled to today so I had the great honor of joining Allie and going to breakfast with her. It was a nice leasurely morning being able to do that. After that I went and helped her do a computer homework assignment in the computer lab. Later on after that I then had to go to my last class of the day. She kind of went over time a little bit, but I still managed to get to work on time without a problem. I was very productive tonight, it was great. I finished all of my accounting homework for this weekend, I also was able to get all the work done for both of my computer classes done too. All I really need to do for the weekend now is write a page reaction to a story out out of my Liturature book, then do a lot of reading stuff for my creation studies class (that should be fun though with creation stuff). Anyway my eyes feel like they are bugging out since I've been stairing at the computer screen for so long. I did have a break for hall meeting and prayer groups and stuff but other then that its been work pretty much all evening. I really should get to bed now... night.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:27 AM 

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