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Friday, September 09, 2005
Well I've been pushing it hard the past few days. Today was a little rough too. First of all Allie was sick this morning so I wasn't able to see her first thing in the morning on the way to class because she didn't go to class. So that wasn't very cool. Allie did end up getting a little better by afternoon so she managed to get to her math class at least. But anyway, my computer classes today (as easy as they should be) have piled on the busy work. Its really annoying because it doesn't take all this homework to learn the stuff we need to learn. So anyway I'm stuck with a good amount of computer homeworkt his weekend. I still have a good load of accounting homework to do as well. Its really annoying though because every evening when I sit down to do the online portion of the homework, thats right when the internet here on campus decides to just not work for anybody. Its really horrible because I can't ever get it done. Anyway that was a short side note. Classes other then the stupid busy work stuff were ok. I then headed to work for the rest of the day. I did have to do a service call for like an hour but everything else was very routine. On the way back to campus after work I stopped by the store to get Allie a get well flower. I hope it helped her some. We ended up being able to eat dinner together, but then we headed back to the dorms. I still had some work to do before hall meeting that night. I organized my prayer groups lesson on holiness, then I did some homework best I could until hall meeting. Anyway my prayer group went very good tonight. All four of my guys showed up and we had a good time interacting. Afterwards I just did all the written homework I could without the use of the internet. But now I'm stuck and need the internet for everything else. The net finally started working again now that it is 1:30, but it just gave me enough time to write this and send it out. So I will have to say good night for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:38 AM 

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