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Sunday, September 11, 2005
Well, stuff just goes on.. whether I blog or not things still are happending here in the great L-berg. Sorry that I missed yet another day. Anyway Friday was pretty good. Allie and I went to ministry chapel and Dr. Ergun Caner spoke that day. He did a great message as always. It was cool. After that I did some seaching for a book that Allie needed, while she was in class. I didn't really have any luck finding it though. After that I just went to lunch then to work for the rest of the day. It was a fairly normal day at work yesterday, but I was feeling a little wierd so I was kind of tired and hoping the day could end soon. Once work was over I did have to leave as soon as I could because the dinning hall back at school closes at 6:30 so it doesn't give me much time between work and getting back to campus. I ended up making it in time though so I ate with Allie and we sat and chilled for awhile there at dinner. We then tried to do some homework at the computer lab, but they closed it early so we just had to go somewhere else. We ended up just watching a movie though. It was a good time though. We had a great time just talking and laughing together.
Today was a pretty typical day too. It started off a little strange though. at 7:30 this morning the LUPD walked in my room and said I had an hour to move my van because they were having a conference and had reserved that area for those attending. The only problem was they never put signs up or made announcements saying that it was reserved so that really stunk. Anyway it worked out ok though I just got up and showered, then grabbed my stuff for the day and moved my car to the dinning hall and ate breakfast before going to work today. It was nice too because I ended up getting to eat with Bekah (Allie's RA) so that was fun. Work today was pretty normal again. We've been pretty slow lately though so it kinda makes the day drag on. Once we finally got done though I had to get over to the church and take care of the powerpoint stuff for sunday. I ended up talking to Pastor for about an hour or so though. That was fun - I always enjoy our conversations. Once I finished up at church I headed over to the Donnebergs house for the rest of the night to do some homework and just relax a little bit. It was pretty good, I had a nice time just chillin. I actually managed to get a good amount of homework done too. Anyway that pretty much covers it. I think I should maybe start getting ready to turn in for the night. TTFN.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:41 AM
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