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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
There was no convo today. It was kind of nice to have an extra unexpected hour to study with. I had also finished my Accounting test in about 40 minutes so I had all that extra time to use as well. It was really nice. I think I may have done well on my test too, I felt fairly good about this one. During my extra long break I used it to get some devotions done I was able to spend a little extra time today to so that was nice. I then ended up going to see my adviosr to get some paperwork done, then to the library to find a book for my clep test I am going to take. Turns out Jonathan was in the library too so that was really nice to be able to chill with him for awhile. The book I got was for Buisness Law, it is about an 800 page book. I'm glad they had some good selections in the library too because that book for the specific class in the bookstore was $130. I hope I pass the test so I don't have to buy that book. Anyway after sitting with jonathan and reading for awhile I had to head out a little early so I could go and sign up for my CLEP test. I ended up making it be this friday, so keep that in prayer all through the week. It woudl be awsome if I could pass it. I ended up meeting with allie for a few minutes after that before we both had to go to class. Today in my creation studies class I learned about the idiots that do all the evolution reasearch. He talked about how they twist the facts around so badly so they will fit thier assumptions, rather then base the assumption on the facts. One guy went so far as to grind a fossil down so it fit how he wanted it to with his theroy. He showed a video explaining how screwed up it was. It was actually quite funny to think people beleive that. Anyway after that I had a pretty good lunch with Allie at the dinning hall then we both went to work. I can't say too much exciting happend at work today but, we did manage to stay busy. After work I still had a good amount of stuff to do once I got back on campus. I had some dinner with Allie again tonight and then we both had a prayer leader meeting to go to. After that I went to my dorm to grab some homework stuff and I've been in the computer lab now ever since. I studied a lot for my CLEP test and I also helped Allie out with some of her homework. Its always nice to sit and study with Allie. I like it much better then sitting in my room all by myself. =). Plus she is cool and fun to sit with anyway. Ok so yeah.. I'm actually still here in the computer lab now waiting for Allie to finish with her final reading assignment then we'll head back to our rooms for the night. It will probably end up being a pretty late night again for us. I'm going to say good night now though. TTFN
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:04 AM 

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