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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Today was kind of dissappointing. I ended up not passing the CLEP test. It wasn't very good. Each question was about 2-4 paragraphs describing a situation between two people. Then I had to answer the question relating to how the Law would do it. Normally this may have been ok, but they only gave me and hour and a half to take the test. When most of the questions are that long, I don't see how someone could do it in time - there were 80 questions on this exam. I ended up having to guess on the last 10-15 questions because I was down to 3 minutes. I ended up getting a 32 and I needed a 50 to pass. It made me pretty disappinted today because of it. Now I have to take an intesive over christmas - thats going to be annoying. Everything else today was pretty normal up through work. After work though I stopped by the church because I had some computer setup work over there I needed to do. I ended up being there until around 9:15 and I didn't even get it all finished. I'll just have to go back tomorrow probably. Anyway after leaving the church I had the privledge to go see a movie with my georgeous angel of a girlfriend. We saw "Madagascar" It was kind of funny. I'm glad I saw it, but probalby wouldn't see it again in most cases. Anyway It was a great time with her and it helped me forget the stupid test from this morning. Thanks Allie! Ok well now I problaby should get heading to bed. It got late quick! Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:38 AM 

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