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Saturday, November 19, 2005
I am at church right now getting things setup for church tomorrow morning. I don't think my internet is working at the school though so I figured I would get my blog done while I'm here tonight. I had work this morning and that was pretty typical. Nothing too exciting happend there today. After work I ended up going to the church and spending a couple hours with my pastor just talking about stuff. That was pretty fun. I then ended up meeting Allie at Best Buy after that and we did some christmas shopping. Best Buy had her car because they were installing her CD player into it. So while we waited we wandered lynchburg looking for some goods. It was pretty fun. We then went to get her car after it was done and wandered lynchburg a little more. Eventually all the stores closed (at 9 its so stupid) So we had to head out after that. She went to her house and I came back to the church. I spend some time talking to John while I was here and then Jason also came by to see how we were all setup over here. I also am working on Katies computer some more while I am here. I am going to be leaving in about a half hour or so though, so I'm going to post this and pack up. If internet works when I get back that would be cool.. I kinda doubt it though.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 11:44 PM 

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