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Thursday, November 10, 2005
I'm a little better tonight then I was last night. I was just overwhelmed by how much stuff I had to do last night. I ended up going to bed at 3am and I had barely started what I needed to accomplish. Tonight I got a good bit of it done and I feel much better because of that. I hate having a huge list of stuff I need to do the night before. I had almost thought about skipping church to get it done, but I didn't after all. I think the Lord blessed my desision to go to church and allowed me to accomplish all I needed to for tomorrow. Thanks God for that! Nothing too special or exciting has gone on the past few days worth reporting on. Its just been so crazy with busy work I haven't been able to blog much. One thing worth noting I guess though is that bag I loved so much and have had for about 6 years now finally died on me. I've tried to fix the broken strap so many ways the last possible thing happend to it that makes it unable to be fixed now. I was pretty sad because that bag has served me so well. Its actually quite sad. Once I get a replacement bag for it I may have to give it a proper burial. =( The real exciting thing will be friday though when I make my long distance solo flight. I will be sure to let you all know how that goes. As for now, I think I am just going to go to bed. I am tired now.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:01 AM 

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