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Friday, November 25, 2005
Today was a pretty nice day, a lot of Allie's family came over and we had good time with them. The meal for the day was very very good too. We also watched Christmas with the Kranks and Shall We Dance. Everybody is sports fanatics here though so they also watched a lot of football and stuff. Niether Allie or I are really into that stuff much so we got a little bored with that. I also called and talked to my parents for a little while today too, that was cool. I know a lot more happend then this short summary but I am really tired tonight. It probably has something to do with all that turkey. I'm the last one up right now anyway so I'm going to head to bed. Tomorrow Allie and I will try to wake up a little early and go shopping (if we don't get trampled). We'll see what happends. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:42 AM 

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