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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Today was so relaxing, it was great. I slept in until around 11:30. Then all I really had to do today was chill and relax. It has been so long since I have done that and it was pretty exciting. Allie's cousins and family came over today for a little while and I had the chance to meet them. That was cool, they seem like fun people. We then went out to dinner at a pizza place. It was really good too. After getting back to the house we mostly just watched movies. All through the day I played with Allie's brother Dan sometimes too. He really likes me. It was really cool tonight he asked me to tuck him in for the night. He just lost his tooth and as I was tucking him in we tried to figure out how the tooth fairy was going to get into his room. It was funny. He is pretty cute. Oh another thing happend today that I know you will all laugh at me for. So I of course have to include that in my post. While I was running the dogs down to the fenced area so we could leave them there for when we left I ran smack head first into the fence myself. It left a big welt and started to bleed. Allie had to clean it all up. (I did it on purpose so she could do that.. yeah). So anyway I had a great time today with Allie and her family. She is so great, I can't even describe. It boggles my mind how great she is. I better not think about it or my head will explode. I think I should just go to bed. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:44 AM 

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