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Saturday, December 03, 2005
Today was a nice day.. I didn't have class today so I was able to sleep in. Then I was able to sit with Allie for min chapel and that was cool to sit with her for that. Afterwards we both went to a lesurley lunch where we could chill for like an hour. It was cool. Today at work it was exremly busy.. but the internet went down on us for like two hours so we couldn't do any of it without it. That made it difficult. After work I ended up going to the Donnebergs and I hung out with Chuck all evening. Allie and her mom went off and did other stuff so we did guy things. It was quite fun actually. Once Allie got back though we left back to campus and went to a Campus Christmas party in the student center. It wasn't as fun as we had hoped but I was still glad we went at least. Anyway I have to fly tomorrow so I should get to bed. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:22 AM 

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