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Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Hey All, Yesterday at work was really really crazy busy. I got off and I just wanted to relax. So no better way to relax then to take a beautiful girl out for a nice dinner. I ended up taking Allie to Outback for dinner. We both ordered Prime Rib Steak. It was really really good. It was a lot of fun too. We had some Aussie cheese fries too, I ended up making a little person out of the bread and the leftover fries. Then the when we were done and the lady came around to put the leftovers in a box for us.. She was like "Do you want your cheese monster too?" I think she thought it was funny. Anyway after dinner we went to school because we wanted to just find a nice place to sit and talk and we ended up sitting in the foyer of Demoss and prayed together and just talked about some stuff. It was good. After we got back last night though, Allie went to bed fairly soon afterwards. I ended up just going downstairs and I remember sitting on the couch to read my e-mail on my laptop. I still had my jacket on and everything. Next thing I remember I woke up at 7am when my alarm went off. I had no blanket and my jacket was still on and the light was still on too. So apparently I passed out in the middle of something. I do remember that I was at least laying down for the most part so my neck wasn't too screwed up. But anyway, that was exciting huh?

So this morning I wake up and spend some time with Allie before she leaves to her practicum. After she left I decided to go back to bed for another hour or so. I woke up in time to get to work though. Today was not quite as hectic as yesterday but still busy. I was glad to be done. After work I headed over to church and the Hartmans ended up feeding me some dinner there. It was really good chicken noodle soup too! The service tonight was what we call encounter. Its just time of prayer and reflection then we have communion. It was good though. Afterwards Allie and I made a quick Wally World trip to pick up some stuff Allie needed and some pictures she had developing there. Once we got back we just got ready to be in the rest of the night. I decided I better catch up on my blogs and then.. possibly turn in early. It may not happen, but we'll see. At least I got this out of the way now though. =) Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:45 PM 

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