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Sunday, February 05, 2006
I was going to try and fly today but the weather turned out to be really bad. Visibilty got down to 1/4 mile. I tried to reschedule for tomorrow afternoon but now it looks like the winds will be too high. Its really bad because I haven't flown in almost two months now I think. I really need to get back to it before I forget it all. Pray it will calm down tomorrow for that. I ended up going to see a movie with Allie today. That was fun and the movie was funny too. It was nice to spend some time with her as I've been swamped with homework the past few days. I still have too much to do. I hope I can get it done tomorrow. Anyway.. I have to head to bed now. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:02 AM 

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