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Thursday, May 25, 2006
Today I got my first paycheck from being full time. It was pretty decently big. I was happy about that =). To make things better though, tonight I had a chance to witness to my neighbor quite a bit. I was able to have him understand a few things he didn't fully get before. One being the God in three persons he was completely confused by that one. We talked about the end times and we dissussed what would happen to him possibly if that came today. It all proved to be a God thing. It was amazing how it all worked out. I was pretty excited about that. Anyway, I guess that pretty much covers it for the day. I just worked on little things I needed to get done this evening and I did pretty well at getting them done one right after another. I'm ready to get to sleep now though. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:08 AM 

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