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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I ended up getting back home really late last night and I forgot to write a blog before I fell asleep. But yesterday was a really nice day. I was able to sleep in until 10:00 and that was great! I had a good amount of things I had to do yesterday though, things that have just been waiting around for me to do them. So I got ready for that day and started working on some stuff. Allie ended up calling me and asking if I wanted to meet with her and Stephanie for lunch I thought that sounded fun so I ended up doing that. We met for about an hour or so at Chik-fil-A. After lunch I returned home and continued to work on a few things. I was able to get a lot of reading done that I had been wanting to finish for awhile. Later that evening I ended up going over to the Donnebergs for a cookout. They were having hamburgers, hotdogs, and grilled chicken and veggies. It was all very good. After Dinner Jo, Allie and I played a few card games then we all went downstairs to watch Independance day. We had gone outside for a little bit to watch some of the fireworks the neighbors had but we didn't do any ourselfs. Once we got settled downstairs for the movie Allie decided she was just too tired to watch it so she ended up going to bed early. I stayed and watched the movie with the rest of the family though and it didn't end up getting over until after 12:00. So It was pretty late by the time I got home. But it was a great day still and I had fun and accomplished a lot of stuff at home too. Anyway, back to life today!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 8:54 AM 

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