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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Today was kind of a rough day at work. I didn't end up leaving until 6:00 tonight. There were just a bunch of things I had to take care of today that didn't work out the first time like they should have. I had to go back to every computer I did today to get things working right. It was kind of annoying. I was running all over the place. I will still have a few loose ends to tie up tomorrow when I go in again. After work I ended up going over to someones house to fix a computer. That ended up going smoothly though and they were really happy with how it worked afterwards. After I finished up with that I ended up going over to another families house and had dinner there. It was fun to just hang out with them for awhile tonight. Once I left there and came home I had two more computer things I had to work on. I gone on done and ready to go and another is finishing up as I type. So yeah, it was a really busy day today. I haven't really had much downtime. I'm really ready for bed now. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:14 AM 

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