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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Sorry I have been so behind on these blogs lately. I've been pretty out of it though. Whatever it was that got me on sunday night really hit hard, I ended up having to take the day off work on Monday. I basicly slept the entire time. My girlfriend really loves me though, she came over and did some laundry for me and washed the bathroom after my night of being sick. If that doesn't show true love I'm not sure what could. It was great to have her around. On Tuesday I did end up going back to work. I wasn't quite 100% but I was able to get around ok as long as I went fairly slow. Missing a day of work has me a little behind schedule, but I should be able to catch up by friday I think. Anyway, I just wanted to write a quick entry to let you all know I am still alive (although I felt dead monday). But anyway, thats it for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:41 PM 

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