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Sunday, December 03, 2006
Today was pretty cool. I was able to sleep in a little bit, then I woke up to go flying with my instructor. We are still doing local instrument practice and it gets kinda repetative. Today would have been a nice day for flying too, but I had to wear the little hood thing over my head so it wasn't as much fun.

After flying I ended up sitting up on top of a hill near the airport and watching all that was going on there while I spent some time with the Lord. I ended up doing that for about 2 1/2 hours. It was really good. After that I went home to find something to eat and then went to chill at the Donnebergs for a little bit. We ended up going out to run an errand then get some icecream though. After that we had a surprise party for someone in my church that just turned 50 so I headed over to that for a few hours this evening. It was pretty fun. Afterwards I went back to the Dbergs for the rest of the evening. We ended up watching "Little Women" since we just watched the play at Liberty on Thursday I was curious how the movie went down. It was quite a bit different, but the idea was still the same. After that I returned home and went to bed..
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:14 AM 

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