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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Lotta stuff has been going on lately to keep me busy, but not much that has been super exciting worth blogging about. Allie's birthday was pretty fun though and we had a great time celebrating that with her. I got her a new dress that she looks great in. Once it gets warmer I'm sure she'll wear it alot =). My class on monday night was a lot shorter then normal so I was able to meet with Allie and we made some homemade pizza and watched part of a recorded American Idol. She couldn't stay long enough to watch the whole thing though because she had homework and stuff. Tuesday was a pretty normal day. Then today I had work but no class. It ended up being canceled for the evening so I was able to go to campus church. After church Allie and I finished the episode of American Idol and then she had to go back to her room for more homework stuff. I ran out of stuff to do here at home though so I'm just going to go to bed. I am kind of tired though because I've been up since 5:30 this morning to meet for coffee with the guys. Anyway, thats it, night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:46 PM 

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