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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
This weekend ended up being a pretty good one. Saturday I met up with the Donneberg Family and Allie and Becca and we all went up to the apple Festivals they have here in VA. The weather was actually pretty nice so it made it a nice trip. It was a little bit windy though but I got used to it for the most part I think. At the first festival we ended up going through the corn maze they had there. It was fun but kind of sad at the same time. The corn was really short and thinning in some areas so you could see over and through the corn to the trail you needed to follow. It took some of the "maze" novelty out of it. We didn't stay too long at the first one before heading on to the next festival up the road another 15 minutes or so. At that festival they had a live band and a hay ride. We ate some lunch there first and then went on the hay ride to the pumpkin patch they have at the other end. I wandered around and found the biggest pumpkin I could find and then the smallest pumpkin I could and then all the sizes in between for a little pumpkin family type thing. that was kind of cool. I ended up getting little briars stuck all over my pants and shoes though so I spent the hay ride back to the main part of the festival picking them all off. I didn't even get them all off by the time we got there so that was something I had to work on the rest of the day. After returning to Lynchburg from the day I just headed over to the Canvas thing we do saturday nights and then ended up being there the rest of the evening.

Sunday was a pretty nice day too. I went to church in the morning and ended up training a new girl how to run the powerpoint system and things. Some of the guys at the church also planned a Softball game for that afternoon so I ended up being asked to play also. For lunch I ended up going over to the Donnebergs house again. It has been quite a few weeks since I had been able to spend any time with them so it was nice to be able to do that. I would have liked to just hang out the rest of the afternoon but I had that softball game to go to. I ended up being glad that I went though because I had a lot of fun there. I hadn't played baseball (or even held a bat) since I came to Virgina so it was cool to have that chance again. It took me a couple swings of the bat to get the feel of it again but I ended up doing really well. Every time I got up to bat I made it on base to eventually score so that was pretty cool. One of the times though I had to really fight to get to second base and kind of slid in and I think I twisted/sprained by ankle doing that. I couldn't tell at first because I didn't notice too much pain but later that evenign it was really really starting hurt. After the game I headed back to the Donnebergs for the rest of the evening. It was really nice to be able to hang out there again. I really missed doing that. It was cool to have Becca there too to just hang out with us. Anyway, I went home a little early though because I needed to get my shoe off and ice my foot some it was pretty bad by the end of the day.

Monday morning my foot was doing a good amount better and I was able to do my job as I needed to. I did still walk with a limp though, I have been limping even up to today. I think by the end of the week it should be pretty much better though. Monday was just a pretty typical day nothing too much exciting there.

Tuesday after work Dennis came over and helped me install a bathroom vent fan. It ended up going fairly smoothly and we were able to get it finished that night. I still have some touch up work to do as I find time though. Like patch some of the drywall we had to cut out to make it all work. But the girls tell me it does the job nicely to vent the steam from showers and stuff. So I'm glad to have the project done.

Tonight Allie made me Spaghettii for dinner She had the sauce all ready this afternoon, I ended up getting to the house before she did though so I was able to get the noodles cooked and have the sauce all warmed up. It was all ready by the time she got in. We then left for a bit to read through our book together and have some time to ourselfs for a bit before we met up with Becca again to go to church tonight. The service was pretty decent One thing that was a little weird though was the speaker ended up doing an illustration. He had a Police Officer come in and Taser him to demonstrate a point we was trying to make. It got everybody kind of riled up in the place. I thought it was a little weird. Anyway, thats about it. I should head on to bed. Its starting to get late. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:34 PM 

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