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Friday, November 09, 2007
Another week has gone by. Last weekend was pretty fun spending the time with Allie's family in North Carolina. On Saturday I went out with the guys to a Duke Football game. It was pretty fun. While we were doing that Allie and Maureen ended up doing some girl stuff, and some wedding stuff too I think. After getting back into town I ended up just going home, Allie had a lot of homework she needed to do and nobody else was at the house besides her so I ended up just being at home taking few of some things around here.
Monday Night Allie and I had another pre-marriage counseling session with Rick, those have been pretty good and we are both enjoying those. After that we ended up going out to eat at Red Lobster. It was a pretty nice day.
Tuesday I went over to the house after work and hung out with Becca there to watch House on tv later that night. It ended up being a pretty fun evening.
Wednesday the three of us went to church on campus in the evening.
Thursday During the day I had to take my van to a muffler shop to have them fix the tail pipe on my van because it had come loose and was kind of dangling really low. They had suggested I replace the muffler itself as well because it was getting old and probalby wouldn't pass inspection by the time it came around. I decided to have them do that also. After work I was back at the house again for the evening and Becca and I watched some Episodes of Lois and Clark while we waited for the new episode of CSI to come on. That ended up being pretty fun too. Allie had to do quite a bit of homework so she was upstairs doing that until CSI came on then she came down to watch it with us. We had a pretty good time I think. I was really tired for some reason though so after it was over I went right home and right to bed.
Today I woke up pretty rested though so that was nice. Don't really have much to say about today except that at work a bunch of us went out for a team lunch at a chinese food place. That was pretty cool. I'm at home by myself tonight though I have a few things at the house I've neglected this week that needed to be taken care of. I also have some paperwork stuff I need to work on for our next pre-marrital counseling session. I'll try to work on some of that tonight also. Anyway, thats it for now. I'll write more later!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 8:25 PM 

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