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Friday, February 28, 2003
This week just keeps getting worse.. I'll tell ya. I'm trying to still keep the joy of the Lord though. Ok I have classes from 8:00 to 12:00 today.. well They decide to close the school for all classes after 12:00 because the weather was getting worse. I get gyped because I don't have any classes past 12:00 anyway. Then I try to go to work after my classes, and I almost die from driving in the snow.. this one was a lot worse then the last time. I'm driving along the freeway and then I hit a patch of ice and my back end starts to slide out towards the right. So I turn the wheel (I thought only a little) but I either must have hit another patch of ice or I over corrected and I did a complete 180 degree turn in about 1 second. So now my van was facing the wrong direction on the freeway but I'm still sliding sideways almost as if I'm in a sled. So now my car is shooting towards the right side of the road and as I cross from one lane to the other sliding, my van starts to tip. By this time I am on two wheels sliding and its starting to get freaky because I'm looking out my window and the ground is a lot closer then it should be. We're talking i'm at just about a 45 degree angle here. Then I slam into the barrier on the right side of the freeway with the drivers side of the Van after going past the shoulder and onto the grassy section. Then it knocks me out of my tilted position (thankfully) but it throws the car back down and everything inside the van shoots accross from one side to the other. So here I am facing the wrong direction on the freeway stuck in the grass all shacken up because I almost ended up flat on my side. During all this only about 3 other cars drive by so it was good there wasn't any other traffic on the road. So I try to get out of my situation in the grass I thought I was stuck pretty good but I cranked the wheel so I could do the U turn and I started to accellerate slowly. My wheels were spinning like crazy but I was slowly moving forward. I finally got some tracktion and was able to get back on the road. In order to pull off the U turn though I had to drive on the shoulder on the other side of the road some. But I made it out of that situation alive. After arriving at work the weather was still just getting worse so Andy just said I could go ahead and leave so I don't have to drive in it later. On the way back I had another close call, This time it wasn't my fault but as a car was passing me in the left lane his back end started to fishtail and he came over in my lane quite aways. Good thing I was extra alert from my previous experience to get out of his way a tad. He got control after that and continued on his way. I finally made it back to campus alive and well. I decided I was going to park and not go on the road the rest of the day. I'm even now still a little shaken from that experience. The rest of the day since I had work off I went back to my room for about 4 hours and just did some homework. Then I went to dinner at around 5:00 because I needed a break. I stayed there for about two hours because Becky, Anthony, Kat and I were playing cards for awhile. Then from after dinner until now, I've been here in my dorm. I was going to see a movie with some guys in another dorm but they never called me so I've tried to keep myself occupied. But anyway the Devil has been really working on me this entire week. He is just throwing everything he has at me. I feel like Job from the Bible. Everything is going great then all of a sudden satan comes in and takes everything away. I didn't quite lose my Van today but I was so close you have no idea. I wonder how I would have reacted to that situation. I think the devil is trying to get me to curse God, I hope he knows its not going to work. From this day on I will praise his name no matter what the devil brings me. So bring it on satan!! I'm ready for you. I already know how the story ends and you lose. I pray I am able to keep my composure through this time of trial.
2 Timothy 4:7 - I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Lord, help me to come to you in everything. Help me to seek you first. Help me to continue to rely on your grace on my worst days and through what ever the devil brings my way. Amen
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:56 AM
Thursday, February 27, 2003
Today I went to classes as normal, then instead of going to lunch I drove a friend down to downtown lynchburg because he had to get his car checked out. Then I had to give him a ride back. I was a little late to work today because of it and I didn't get any lunch. Then at work today I had to do a service call to a school to try to setup a printer. It went pretty well but I wasn't able to get the problem fixed all the way because they needed a part. After work I drove down to church, but nobody was there. I figured they closed it tonight because of the snow. (Oh yeah did I mention its snowing again).. yeah we have about 3 inches outside again. I wonder if we will have school tomorrow. Well anyway. So when I got back I called some people to find out if church was cancelled for sure. Then by the time I finally found out it was, it was too late to go to dinner. So I just went to campus church tonight. Then after campus church I went to late night since I hadn't eaten all day. It was taco night again. You all know how much I love taco night. I had 8 tacos cram packed with goods. After that I just came back to my room and worked on some homework. I still haven't finished yet but Its not due tomorrow so I'll work on it more later. Its getting late and I need to get to bed. If your wondering what happend to my entry from yesterday I didn't put one because I kinda forgot and then when I realized it I just figured thats ok because yesterday I didn't do anything exciting. I did class then work then here. Thats it and I said it all in one sentence. So anyway. Thats it for today. Good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:50 AM
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
Today was another insightful day for me and I learned quite a bit about Life. Other then that today was just another day. Classes, then work. I was at work until 9:00 tonight, it was just something to do so I stayed and played some games and such. Then I went to latenight with Laurie and we talked about some things. After that I talked to Jakie for awhile. Then I came back and talked to Becky. I think I got a well rounded point of view from lots of people today. Convocation today even related in someways and I learned lots of stuff. I also talked to my grandpa tonight on the phone and he gave some quick encouragement. Then in the end Kat sent me an e-mail explaining things a little better and we chatted online about it some. I realized today that this is best for the both of us at the moment. Its still very hard, but I at least now have peace of mind about it all. She says she'll need a couple weeks before we can probalby hang out as just friends again and I think I can understand that. Things are a little akward between us right now. She decided we weren't going to her dads for this weekend too. I really did want to see her dad and step mom again. But I guess thats not going to work out right now. I kind of feel like my best friend has died. But I know thats not really how it is. For now I can have peace of mind though and I'm glad about that. I just about have everything worked out in my head now. Thanks everyone for your prayer, your help and your encouraging words. This will most likely be the last blog entry for awhile on this subject, and tomorrow, you should be returned to your regularly scheduled boring life of Jeremy. NIght
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:05 AM
Monday, February 24, 2003
Today was another rough day for me. I just had to let things sink in. Our skit at church went great, but once that was over I didn't have to think about it anymore and my mind and heart just kind of sank. The message really got to me today too. Under any other circumstance I wouldn't have been effected by it at all probably. But today it just hit me and I just broke down at the end of the service. I didn't want to do it but It just came. I think that really helped me some though, with the praying and the brokeness towards God. After that my mind was a little more clear and I could focus on things again. After Church I went out to lunch with Becky and Kat and Anthony and Micah. I actually had a pretty good time but it just felt so weird not paying for Kat's meal and trying to keep it a friends thing. I think we can make this work though. I am on a dimmer instead of a switch though so its going to take a little bit of time. After lunch I went and hung out in Anthony's room for awhile and we just talked aobut some things and looked at pictures he had around the room and things. It was nice to get my mind off things. After I came back to my room Nikki had called me and she wanted to talk for awhile. She knew I wasn't doing well at church and just wanted me to know She was there if I needed to talk. I was doing better but It was still good to talk to someone for awhile. After that I really decided I needed to take a nap because I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. So from around 5:00 to 7:30 I did just that. I probably would have slept longer but Kat came by my window and wanted to make sure I was doing alright too. We put a puzzle together and played darts for awhile and ate some rice crispy treats. It made me feel good just to have fun together for a little while. Later after that We went to latenight together and we met up with Becky and Anthony again down at the Rot. We played cards the rest of night up until about 8 minutes until curfew. Once I returned to my dorm I talked to my mom and dad on the phone for about an hour. They gave me some good advice and I hope I can put it into practice. For now I think I'm going to head to bed.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 7:32 AM
Sunday, February 23, 2003
I don't even know where to begin. I don't have bad days very often but when I get them, they sure are a duzey. Today was just one of those days. I lost two things today that are pretty important to me. One I was able to get back but the other I have no such luck. The bad thing is I wish It could have been the other thing I got back and I wouldn't care quite so much about the first thing. Ok that probably sounded pretty confusing considering you have no Idea what I'm talking about. But I will explain it, I just have to figure out how. Ok first off I'll tell you what the first thing was I lost today. I woke up to a big lightning storm and it turns out one of my computers didn't like it too much and decided it didn't want to work anymore. So boom fried motherboard and I am down one computer. I unplug it and take it to work with me today and I was able to get that repaired and fixed after a mainboard replacement. So thats one thing I lost that I could get back. Then after work I had to go to church to practice for a skit, we were all supposed to meet at 3:15.. but then nobody tells me they moved the time to 4:00 so I end up waiting there for over an hour. Before anybody shows up. I just kind of sat there and thought about some things. If you couldn't tell... yesterday was a pretty rough day as well. Kat and I had a little talk about some issues in our relationship. We talked about a couple things each of us needed to work on and things of that nature. We didn't really accomplish anything though, mostly we just talked about how it was rather then "lets fix it". I was pretty worried about things after our talk though because of the way Kat acted the rest of the night. She seemed to avoid me and not want to talk to me at all. We even had plans to see MacBeth that night that she just kind of blew off. One of the things she wanted to do was just have more time alone and also she wanted to feel more free to just go and do what she wanted sometime without having to worry about me. I don't have a problem with that at all but I did yesterday because we really needed to work things out and I think she chose a bad day to go off and exersise her freedom. So last night there was nothing I could do exept sit there and not want to do anything. Thats why I went to bed so early last night. Ok, so thats where the story is at. Now after our practice at the church I tried to get Kat to tell me what was on her mind but then again she didn't want to tell me because she had to leave to get to dinner in time. So once again I was standing there desperatley wanting to talk and exchange what was on our minds but I can't. I hate that feeling so much but there was nothing I could do. I just drove around lynchburg for awhile without a destination. I missed Dinner again tonight because i didn't feel like eating. The only thing I've had to eat since Dinner on Thrusday was 4 small slices of pizza that I had for lunch today at work. I didn't eat anything at all on Friday. The bad thing is I'm still not even very hungry. So anyway finally at around 8:00 she came to my window ready to talk. She tells me that she needs time to know herself better and grow and work on things in her life before she can continue a relationship. So now we are doing the "friends" thing. I can see where she is coming from and I understand that she needs to grow and learn things. But I still don't understand why a complete cutoff of the relationship is neccessary. I know we are going to try the "friends" thing but it just won't be the same. The real test will be this weekend when we go and stay at her dads house for a couple days and see how good of "just friends" we can be. Deep in my heart while we were dating I did consider her my best freind anyway (and I still do) but there was always the attraction to accompany it. The attraction will still be there too because I can't just turn it off but I will just have to turn off expressing it. That is going to be a hard thing to do for me. I made it a passtime of figuring things out I could do for her. Now what am I going to do on my free time. I think I've stared at the wall enough for the past couple days. So thats what we talked about while she was standing at my window plus a couple other things about us. Then we both just kind of stood there and said nothing for awhile. I was almost about to cry but I didn't quite get there yet. Then when she finally turned and walked away I just had to let them come its all I could do. I just layed on my bed for a good 20 mintues. I am glad she told me and didn't just keep it all to herself. I also know I didn't lose her as a friend but I'm still pretty devastated. I still feel like I lost something very important to me. I would have rather lost all seven of my computers then lose my companion that I could do everything with. I'm sure things will be much different and I won't get to be with her as much anymore and just that thought hurts so much. I feel like I'm talking in circles right now but thats how my mind feels so you all are just going to have to bear with me. After our talk and after I settled down a little I really just needed to talk to some other people. First I talked to my friend Katie from back home then a friend of Kat from her home town called me named Marcus and I had to talk to him for awhile too. I hardly know him but it was good to still talk to him. After that I decided I would call Kat's Mom and talk to her because my parents are out doing things with Youth group tonight. I'm glad I could talk to her mom though because she knew the situation better then then my parents would have anyway. Kat had just talked to her earlier that day and she knew about all this before I even did. I would have liked to talk to her more but she needed to leave by 9:30 because she had to get to sleep. I really wanted to call Becky and talk to her some too but she never picked up her phone all night. So I called Nikki and talked to her on the phone. She ended up coming over to my window to talk for awhile. Bekah also showed up there too because she knew about it and wanted to see how I was doing. So the three of us went and sat in the Vines Ceter until midnight talking about things and them trying to cheer me up. They didn't really cheer me up but I was just glad they could be there and have someone to talk to. Now I'm back here writing this journal entry and my mind is so shot from the day and I can only think about this situation. I even have to be in a skit tomorrow at church and I need to wake up by 7:00 because we need to get there early for practice. I really hope that goes as planned and that I can get enough sleep. I know I'm going to have lots of trouble getting to sleep. With all this on my mind. I might just have to go back and cry again for a little while and that might help some. I don't know why this is bothering me so much though. Its not like we got in a big argument and never want to see each other again. But I'm still having a very hard time with this. I think I just Love her too much for my own good and I don't think that will go away anytime soon. Ahh! so much more I could say but its already 2:00 and I probalby won't get to sleep for awhile and I will probalby only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep tongiht and I need to have enough energy for my skit tomorrow. I think I need to just stop here now. To sum everything up: today I had a very bad day and I hope tomorrow will bring some joy. I would still like people to just talk to for awhile so if you want to encourage or just have time to spare and don't mind talking to some guy call me at (434) 582-3106. Wake me up if you have to or try sometime tomorrow. I just want to get this day over with so I'm going to bed now. Good night... =(
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:22 AM
Friday, February 21, 2003
Good Night.. I'm going to bed! Thats all I feel like saying right now....
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 9:30 PM
Today I woke up a tad late so I had to take a 5 minute shower and then get ready for class in about 10 minutes after that. I was successful though and it all worked out. Kat and I walked together to our first class and then we went to breakfast together after that with Becky. I seemed pretty awake during that time.. but right after breakfast the tiredness kicked in and I was out for at least 3/4 of my humanities class and maybe a 1/4 of my calculus class. After that though I think my powernaps helped because when I went to lunch and then to work I wasn't so tired anymore. I had to eat lunch by myself today though because on thrusdays everybody else's schedule won't fit to have lunch when I have it. I also got a package from my sisters today. I picked it up at lunch time but I wasn't able to open it until dinner because I didn't have time before then. It was a nice little birthday present. They got me a calculator that I needed and the Lilo And Stich DVD. Then they also filled it with 19 different kinds of candy since I turned 19 years old. They numbered each one and we couldn't figure out why until we layed them all out and found out they counted up to 19.. it took us awhile to figure out the significance of that. Becky was the first one to figure it out. Kat and Becky were there after work for dinner and I hung out with Kat, Becky and Anthony until our cufew (10:00 on thursdays) We went to Davids place and played a game called "compatabilty"... its actually kind of interesting but a lot of fun. I had fun doing that. Then we had to come back for our Hall meeting thursday nights. We had 13 College for a weekenders come today more will probably show up tomorrow sometime. But they were there with us for the meeting tonight. After that I came back and chatted with a couple people and then started on some Math homework. I didn't get the math done all the way though, I'll need to ask about some stuff first. Its not due till monday. Well that just about covers it for today. Night everyone!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:58 AM
Thursday, February 20, 2003
Classes resumed as normal today once again. The long weekend sure was nice though. Today I ate lunch with one of Kat's old friends from her home town. Her name is Jackie. Kat and Becky were having a girls day out (which will be every wednesday now) so I decided to hang out with Jackie for awhile today. That was pretty fun. I hardly knew her before now. She seems like a nice girl. Anyway after lunch I went to work as normal and I didn't have to dig my car out today which was nice. I parked in a plowed section last night. Then after work I headed strait over to church. I kind of dozed off in church though which wasn't that great but anyway what can I do. After church we had to practice for our skit that we are doing on sunday but we had it down pretty good this time so we were actually able to leave by 9:30 for once instead of 10:30. Then tonight after we got back I helped some people on the hall with some computer problems. I decided I was going to start charging 25 cents a minute to work on a computer. I made a total of eight bucks tonight.. not bad I guess. I had to replace a motherboard in one computer and re-format and re-install windows. Then I also had to setup a printer on a couple other machines. Well thats all in a days work I guess. Well I'm pretty tired so off to beddy-by I go. Adios Muchachos!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:20 AM
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
Kat and I didn't end up going to breakfast as we planned last night. She wasn't sure if it would be open because of the snow closure and she didn't want to wake up and walk down there and realize that it would be closed. So we just slept through the morning until I had to go to class. I had my single class today then I went to Lunch with Kat. After lunch I was going to try and go to work but it didn't work out quite as planned. My van ended up being coved in snow and I was going to have to dig myself out. Check out the Pictures click here. So I went back to my dorm and called Andy and I told him that I might not be able to make it in today. I was going to have to dig myslef out. It normally wouldn't be so bad it it would have just been snow but this thing was some hard Ice. You can't just dig it out with your hands very easily. So after I called him I went on the mission to dig myself out. Kat came and helped me too. We were finally able to get out by around 4:00. I couldn't find a shovel or anything to use so we used an old umbrella to chisel and our feet to kick it a bunch of times. It was slow progress but we made it in the end.. It woudl have been a lot easier if I could have just backed out because the back wasn't so bad.. but there were two cars parked directly behind me so forward was the only way out. Anyway once I finally broke loose from the ice prison, I took Kat to the bank really quick then I went to work. I got there around 5:00 and we close at 6:00. So I got a good hours worth of work in today. Not bad eh? hehe. I parked in a good open spot tonight though so I should be able to get to work in time tomorrow. After my hours worth of work I went to Dinner then came back and did homework until around 9:00. After that I took a break and went to Late night with Kat, She was hungry because she didn't get Dinner today so we were there until around 9:40. After that we went by where Becky was practicing for her Kings Players Performace. I haven't seen her all weekend and neither had Kat. She was out doing a performance on the road and then they got stranded out in the snow for awhile longer so they were gone a lot longer then they expected. But she made it back safe and sound and that was a very good thing. It was good to see her again. Once she was done with practice Kat went with her to her dorm and they hung out the rest of the night. That was good because they really needed some time together after 4 days of being apart. So I just came back here and did some reading and I had to fix a computer on the hall. But other then that I just relaxed and chatted with some people. Well that was my eventful snow digging day for today. I'm pretty tired so I'm going to head to bed. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:45 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
Well I ended up having to go to work this morning. I woke up at 8:30 to an IM from my Boss. He was seeing if I could come in still. I said sure if he comes and gets me. So He came roaring over here in is 4 Wheel Drive Truck and picked me up. That 4 Wheel drive is some good stuff. He got stuck in a couple spot just kicked it into 4 Wheel and we shot right out. He drives pretty crazy though since he knows it will take quite a bit to stop him. Well anyway once we were at work we had all of 3 customers today. We played games most of the time and then we closed an hour early. But it was still a pretty productive day at work we did some things that needed to be done. I still had fun, even though I didn't get to sleep in like I had hoped. After work Kat and I went to Dinner for about an hour then we came back and did homework for a couple hours. I worked on my photos page. I added some pictures of the snow you should check it out if you get a chance. Here is the link http://www.jerdill.com/photos/liberty . I hope you enjoy them. The snow is still pretty bad today so while I was working on that, Kat IM's me and says classes are closed tomorrow until 10:50. She is all excited because she won't have any classes tomorrow because all of her's are before that. So she gets another day to work on homework. She decides she wants to do something since she can just work on homework tomorrow. And of course I'm all for it! I had all my homework done yesterday anyway. So we decided to walk around campus for awhile and then we decide we want to go see a movie at the dollar theater. So we go and check to see if my van has a chance at getting out... yeah.. definatly not. It is covered in snow up to the door Jams. If I were to open a door all the snow would fall in. Not to mention the fact that if I could get in it I wouldn't be getting anywhere. The stupid guy that plowed the parking lot decided he would plow around me and so I have all the snow pushed from the parts around my van all pressed up against it. Yeah... like that does me a lot of good. Well anyway since my van is pretty much useless at the moment we decided we would walk to the movie theater. The 20 degree weather isn't so bad when there is no wind so walking there wasn't too big of a deal. We watched "Just Married" I really loved that movie. It was great. There were some other Liberty students there too and one was Kat's Spiritual Leader from her Hall and they came in a van. So we hitched a ride back with them so we didn't have to walk back. That was much better. Over all I enjoyed today very much. Its also Kat and my 3rd month anniversary for dating. We had a snow day off on our 2nd month anniversary too so that was pretty funny I thought.. Maybe next month we will have another. =) Wouldn't that be ironic? Well tomorrow Kat and I are going to go to breakfast at 9:00 so I better get heading to bed. Then I have to go to my stupid Calculus Class.. its the only class I have tomorrow. Isn't that annoying. Well Good night everyone!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:40 AM
Monday, February 17, 2003
Today was a pretty nice relaxing day. It is very cold outside though. It has been Icing all day (you can't call it snowing). The tempurate here is 18 degrees and 5 with the wind chill factor. I slept in till around 11:30 today too that was very nice to be able to do. I pretty much woke up and then took a shower then Kat and I went to lunch together. Then after that I helped Kat do her laundry for awhile and then I came back and chilled in the dorm for awhile. I pretty much had all my homework done though, I only had like 5 problems in math to do so I finished those up and then just hung out until Dinner. There wasn't much choice for dinner at all today because hardly anybody was able to make it on campus to cook. So the entire Dinning hall was run by students today. The students had do everything including Cook. So they didn't really have any big things to eat. Kat couldn't really find anything she liked for dinner. I had some leftover Pizza that I let her eat after Dinner. Then at around 8:30 I took Zacks Laptop down to a classroom in the Science Hall and Kat and I watched a Movie on it. That was pretty fun. We had to sit in a desk while we watched it though. But anyway it worked and it was fun. After the movie I just came back here and had some leftover Cheese Fries and Chicken Alfredo from Ruby Tuesdays from yesterday. It was still pretty good. People kept looking in and saying it smelled good. Well as long as I don't have to go to work tomorrow I'll be sleeping in again. I'm going to get to bed though just incase Andy calls and wants me to head over tomorrow. So good night everyone.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:43 AM
Saturday, February 15, 2003
Well, today I woke up and went to work just like every other Saturday. Nothing much happend there, but there was about 30 minutes where I was there by myself because Andy was out getting lunch (long line at lunch). I didn't let the place burn down or anything so I guess I did good at being in charge for awhile. After work I came back and did homework for about an hour and a half. Then Kat found out that the Valentines Day Banquet was cancelled for tonight because of severe weather. (and yes it is pretty bad). But Kat and I still wanted to hang out anyway so we Decided to go to the Mall for awhile. We had to go to Lowes Hardware store first though because she had to make a copy of a key, after that we went to the Mall for a couple hours. I'm so proud of her because we got out of there with her spending a single penny. It was pretty tough in some of those stores for her to refrain herself. But she did a great Job at it. After that we went out to Ruby Tuesdays for a Late dinner. By this time the snow and ice was horrible. We had to fight to get back to campus but we managed and made it back without any problems. Over all I had an awsome past couple days. I would say it has been the best valentienes couple days I've ever had. Even though the Banquet was cancelled we managed to have a great time. As long as I'm with her that is all that matters and it is time well spent. On a second note, I finished my medicine yesterday but I'm still having some horrible cramps tonight. I wonder if the medicine did any good. Also we decided we aren't going to attempt going to church tomorrow because the ice just keeps coming and I think it would be a dangerous endeavor if we did attempt it. So I will get to sleep in tomorrow, I do need a day like that anyway and it came just in time. I don't know if I would make it through next week with out it. I think I'm going to go to bed early as well, these cramps are killer I was considering taking some Midol that Kat gave me but if I just go to sleep that should work just as well. I may be in pain but I'm the luckiest man alive to have a girl like Kat to share Valentines Day with and I'm going to go to sleep thinking happy thoughts and the pain should flutter away. So good night world!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:16 PM
Happy Valentines Day! Today was such an awsome day! One of the funnest holidays of all time is Valentines day when you have someone to share it with. As I write this I'm pretty tired because I've been up since 5am this morning. I had 12 balloons and about 16 flowers that I had to organize and get strait. Because at around 6:00 I was going to go over to Kat's dorm and drop off a whole bunch of stuff with her roomate to bring into her room. I had two teddy bears to give her, 4 blue glass bowls full of things to bring over (one had sweettart candy hearts, another had KitKat bars, another had gummy hearts, and another one had rose petals in it.) Then I have 14 different little personalized notes and I tied one to each flower then tied a balloon to each flower as well. I also had 4 poster that I made for her that I had to place strategically through her room. So after I had all of this stuff given to her roomate (Chissy) I met at her window and I told her what to do with each thing (I hate not being able to go in the dorms). I had her put the balloons and roses around the room. Then she sprinkled the desk and chair with rose petals. I taped two of the posters to her window and one to the window sill. Chissy put the other one on her desk. We also put the bears in the window sill. We did good and were able to make operation "Kitty" a success without even making the sleeping beauty stir in her bed while we decorated around her. I also remote controlled her computer and set her up with the scrolling marquee screensaver with a special note from her Valentine. After that was all done I went back to my room and put together some carnations and another rose with one more balloon I had a blue, yellow, pink and red flower in this set. I wanted to bring her something small to class as well so she could carry it around all day. So by the time the whole operation was completed it was almost time for my class to start. So I grabbed the balloon and flowers and her gift and headed to my first class. All I had to do in that class was turn in my paper but I was thinking through that entire class that Kat would be waking up any minute and see the surprise in her room. After that class was over I rushed down to GNED where I would be meeting Kat for the class. I waited for her to walk in and she had a huge grin on her face and yelled "you are crazy". (I guess she really liked it haha) Then I gave her the rest of her flowers, the other balloon and her gift right there in class. The teacher asked about Valentines day too and she told the class what I had done for her already. (This is in a class of about 500) It was great. She also gave me my Valentines day present there in class too. She made me a great picture collage on her computer and printed it out and framed it for me. She also gave me a heart full of herseys Kisses. Well after that class we headed over to Chapel. She was pretty much the only one in her general section that had a balloon and it stuck out that was pretty funny. After awhile she put it under her chair though so it wouldn't get in the way of the people behind her. Then I had to head over to my good ol math class. You guys already know what I think of that class so I'm just going to skip over that part and keep this an exciting and postive blog for the day. After math I went to lunch and met Kat there and we enjoyed lunch together. After lunch we had to leave each other for a short period of time, because I had to go to work. But once I was at work She ended up calling me and wished me a Happy Valentines Day and then we talked for a short while before she had to go to her next class. (*I love it when she calls me at work*). After work we met up around 6:15 and we going to go out to dinner. We tried Red Lobster first because that was the first restaraunt we had ever gone to together but it would have been an hour late. So we headed over to the second restaraunt we ever went to together. It's Called "original Italian Pizza" or "OIP". They had great food.. and best of all.. no wait before seating. We ordered a pizza and shrimp cocktail. It was good food but we couldn't finish it all so I have leftover in the fridge right now. After dinner we decided we would go to her adopted parents house for awhile and then head over to the coffee house that was being put on by liberty tonight at 11:30. But after we got to her parents house we were enjoying each others company so much we decided to stay there longer and we didn't end up leaving until around 11:45. So we ended up not going to the coffee house after all. But we had way more fun just chilling and watching a movie at their house then we probalby would have going to the coffee house performance anyway. So we got back on campus around 12:15 and then headed back to our dorms. I miss her already =). But tomorrow we have a Valentines day banquet to go to so the fun starts again tomorrow. For now I think I shoudl get to bed. I don't want to fall asleep on the keyboard again.. (I always wake up to this annoying beeping noise when I do that). Well Good night everyone and Happy Valentines Day!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:34 AM
Thursday, February 13, 2003
Hey everybody, I was so tired today I fell asleep in every class. In Bible it was only for a minute here and there but in my other classes I missed probably half the class because I was so phased out. I have a person that sits next to me in humanities to slap me if I'm napping and she had to hit me like every 5 minutes. It was horrible. I also got off work about a 1/2 hour early today. I had to run a couple valentienes day arrands before 6:30. Because at 6:30 I some friends of mine were throwing a Birthday dinner for me. We went to shakers. The food was good but kind of expensive. Kat came along too and we all had a great time. There were 15 of us all together. Kat and I shared a chicken spaghetti meal. We were like Lady and the Tramp sharing a spaghetti plate. Heather took a picture of us eating it together and when we both got the same noodle. I hope it turns out. I'll put it up online when I get it. But we were there until around 8:50 or so and then we all headed back to our dorms. Curfew is at 10:00 tonight because of hall meeting. But that was good because I had to finalize my valentines day project. Operation "Kitty" goes into effect starting at 5:00am tomorrow morning. So I need to wake up very early tomorrow so I'm going to go to bed right now. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow =). Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 11:38 PM
Same ol regular Wednesday today class wise. Nothing to report from classes. In convocation today though I had a pretty bad bloody nose so I had to get up and go to the bathroom, I was back there for about 20 minutes before it finally stopped. Then I also got the package from my mom today finally. (it was supposed to be here monday). I picked it up after chapel, but I didn't have a chance to open it until around 7:30 tonight. Because I had a class right after that, then I had lunch and then work. Then I had to go to church directly afterwards. So I couldn't open it until after church tonight. Work today was slow again but it was a little better then yesterday. We played a couple games today at work so that was more exciting then sitting there looking at the wall though. Then church was good tonight too. After church we had to practice for our skit that we will be doing on the 23rd for church. We are defenatly getting better at it. I had to skip dinner tonight though to make it to church in time, then since we practiced afterwards I couldn't make it to late night either. So I was pretty hungry, but then Kat brought me over a PB&J sandwich so that was good and now I'm not hungry anymore. Well I have all my homework done and I think I'm going to head to bed. I need to go check on a computer down the hall first though. But I'm gonna go for now. Night everyone.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:58 AM
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
Today we had a quiz in my Bible class - I think I did ok on that. I was able to get out early since I finished the quiz early. It was good I could too because I forgot to take my medicine this morning and I had to go back and get it. After I did that I went to humanities (which I still have yet to stay awake through) and after that I had that one class I won't speak of. Then I went to lunch, I was expecting just to eat by myself today because usually Kat eats at 11:00 these days. But when I got there She was there waiting for me. That made me happy that I could spend lunch with her before I went to work. Then Andy was gone at work today, he was there for half the day and he left right before I got there. Things were pretty slow today though, so we still managed pretty well without him. After work I did some more shopping for Valentine's day goodies. Everything is coming together nicely. I just hope it all works out for Friday. After I finished my shopping I came back and hung out at Kat's window for awhile and talked to her. Then I went to Late night with Bekah, Ingrid, David, and Phil and we hung out down there for awhile. Then I got back around 10:00 and I've been doing homework ever since. I finally finished though and I'm sleep so I'm going to get to bed. Good Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:38 AM
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
I didn't quite make it to bed early last night like I was going to. I was all ready for bed and just about to crawl in when Kat told me she needed some help with her english homework. So I got all dressed again and we went to the computer lab together to work on it. It turns out we didn't get back until around 1:00, so my good nights sleep before test day didn't work out quite how I planned. But thats ok It was all worth it. I was with her when my watched beeped midnight and she yelled "Happy Birthday" to me. That was great. I had forgotten about that until she said something. After I finally got to bed last night around 1:30, I ended up waking up this morning to 6 IM's Saying Happy Birthday and 2 e-mails. Thanks everyone! Well anyway after that I had to head to class for my two Test in a row. I actually think I did well on my english test and I already know I got a 90% on my GNED test. So that was good to know. They were better then the score I got on Calculus I got a wopping high score of 58% on that one. The rest of the day was pretty average though. I went to work and nothing really extra special happend there today. After that I went to dinner and then came back to my room. I had to fix two people's computers tonight so I looked at one and then Started on the other. In the middle I stopped and went to Late night with Kat, that was a lot of fun and it Topped off the night and made my birthday complete. After that I continued working on the comptuers again. I have one installing stuff at the moment as I write this. Thinking of that I better go check on it. Thats all for now... Oh! Mom, I didn't get the package today - I'll check again tomorrow. Ok Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:06 AM
Sunday, February 09, 2003
I got to sleep pretty late last night so I was pretty tired during church this morning. I actually kind of dozed off in part of it. But it was pretty good today, I just couldn't stay awake. Its not that he was boring though. After Church Kat and I went to lunch together at the Marriot. Then after that we went to Radio Shack again because she wanted to change the phone number for her new phone to a local area code. I was happy about that because now I can call her anytime I want. But she will also have a babysitting job and she wanted her phone to be local so they could get ahold of her if she isn't in her dorm. But anyway once we got that accomplished we headed back to our dorms and did some homework. I have two tests tomorrow I had to study for. I have an English Test at 8:00 and a GNED test at 9:00. I think I am ready for them both. I'm proabably actually going to turn in early tonight. Notice this post is before 12:00am. So thats just about all for me tonight. Pray things go well in Tests tomorrow.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:50 PM